Karen O’Malley, LCPC

Karen O'Malley Portrait

Karen O’Malley, LCPC

Karen is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who brings extensive experience to the MTG Team. She has worked in multiple settings, including hospitals, a residential clinic, and private practices. Karen works with clients in areas such as trauma, depression, anxiety, and divorce/relationship issues. She believes that “No matter what path you currently find yourself on, therapy can help you gain perspective and figure out your next steps. Each client is unique and has value.”

When working with trauma, she uses Trauma Informed Therapy and Narrative Therapy. She feels that “those who have lived long past the tragedy don’t have to suffer with flashbacks, nightmares, or dissociation for the rest of their lives.” Karen uses evidence-based techniques and develops coping skills to help her clients minimize daily triggers. She knows that, dealing with issues related to trauma, it is important to move at a pace that the client is comfortable with.

Karen says “I want you to know you’re not alone. With patience and rapport, change will happen.” Give us a call to schedule today to get started!